Saturday, August 09, 2008

Saturday 9th August

"Tabata You Gotta Be Kidding Me"
Wall-Ball M20lb/w14lb
Sumo Deadlift High Pull M35kg/W 21kg

Score by total reps


FiCFNQ said...

Brett 302
Scott 269
Chris 233
Hans 253

14lb Ball, Band assted pullups
Errica 237
Nathan 152

10lb ball , Band assited pullups
Ella-Rose 248 14kg SDHP
Robin 198
Aurea 186

Scotty.A said...

Whoo, Brett smashed out a good 30 extra reps!!

Nice work

Those deadlifts weren't to bad in the warm up. At the end of the workout was a different story though :)

Jayme isn't with us anymore :(

Just kidding :) Brett and Errica asked us out to breaky, I asked Jayme if she was keen and that picked her up a bit (actually she was in the car ready to go within seconds). I think the tabata just overwhelmed her

FiCFNQ said...

Glad Jayme is feeling better.
Tabata can be very mean, as can 400m runs and Burpees for warm ups.

The video of the workout will be up soon.

Chris said...

I gotta say that I felt that the 20lb ball on the wall ball was out of my league, maybe this is because it came right after the chin ups. Still I'm happy with my result. Definitely felt like I got a great work out today.

Good to hear you're feeing better Jayme. I was a little concerned to see someone keel over at the beginning (even though I'd thought of playing possum too):P

By the way, being a guinea pig for a deep tissue massage student for 2hours was bliss after this work out.

Brett_M/31/181cm/85kg said...

Great stuff everyone.

Scott you had me until the Sumos.
Chris stick to the 20lbs ball it will come with practice/strength.
Nath you stay with us we want you in the Rx'd bunch.
Errica dismal effort and you smell funny.

On a side note 2nd WOD of the day was brekfast for time- Results
Errica 6:03
Brett 6:21
Scott DNF
Jayme DNF

More eating in your own time guys.

Brett_M/31/181cm/85kg said...

Good video - because of good stars!

Scotty.A said...

You guys were machines in the Breaky WOD :)

Jayme went one better for a third WOD, hit the town and didn't come home until 5am!! I think this confirms she was playing possum Chris

Legs are pretty sore today, looking forward to seeing what they feel like tomorrow. Go for a run up the hill this arvo, that should sort them out.

Is a good vid, I always watch it after and think I should have/could have gone harder. Doesn't take long to forget how it feels at the time :D

FiCFNQ said...

What time are you heading up?
I was thinking of taking the rings up there for a bit of a play this arvo.

Scotty.A said...

Bugger, sorry I missed your post Fi, would have been good to do some ring work.

Got there about 1530/1545, the run turned into a walk, legs were in worse shape than I was expecting :)

See you tomorrow (Monday) night :)